Thursday, September 21, 2006

Make me Hurt: Should I? Really?

Thymus S. Coccineum Aka. Mother of ThymeCommonly known as Walk On Me Plant
I just experienced an aweful thing. A Squirrel that inhabits a telephone pole in front of our third floor apartment brought home a mean daddy squirrel who proceeded to "evict" the three young ones out of the nest in a 30 foot pole. Forcing two of them to jump from nearly the top I thought they, and I, would die as they flew through the air. At first I only hoped that my wife Melanie didn't see it happen, as she got into the car to go to class. They hit the ground with a little thump and laid there. Seconds later a man walked by taking a close look and returning to think what caused this, while the mother chased the other squirrel away.

Eventually the mother checks the babies out and found that they both were alive and could walk around. Then came cars wizzing by while one baby was getting it's bearings and a pedestrian causes the other baby to frantically run for the bushes.

It made me feel the gamut of emotions that anyone would feel and then it left me thinking should I do anything. And if so, what? So I thought to give them some peanuts and will place some water out in the yard so the mother doesn't have to go far.

It also forces me to think about my philosophy and puts it to the test. I've been catagorized as a libertarian, revolutionist, extremist and pacifist. All of which I am and am not. I believe that the word that best describes me is a naturalist but what that means all the time I don't know. Responsibility for individual actions and integration, specialization, mechinization and deviation. I do my best and keep hope for the "good" to succeed and the "bad" to be foiled. Pontificate and interpret ramifications, although I appear to "act" completely against the "flow".

Still I feel a bit of a waste because I have not yet found the rewarding place for which I search. A place of peace and efficiency, a place where my being is enough. My recent conversations with very good friends, T. Brunhammer and R. Gupta, challenged me in the possibility that my daily decisions might be less rightous than I previously thought: Gupta explained that we all have our places and our responsibilities and that shirking them would be letting society down. Brunhammer stated that what binds you to your decision is self interest, which I argued is societies interest as well: To be "happy", society/nature must be in accord and vice versa. For example when I see the squirrels fall my heart is torn, and quite possibly when my heart is torn the landlady gets her rent late. It's a vicious cycle but the hope that I tap into is that while the be unbroken, by and by... it is alterable and ever changing.

So as I consider theses points and check the squirrels I ask you to think about your and my circle and do what you believe best. There may be no good or bad, no right or wrong but definitely there is a choice and a decision. That is the beauty of life.

So go ahead and walk on me, leave me, kick me out and tell me you found somebody else. It's all for the better. Let's just keep moving, it's only natural.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Calling all cars: APB on good times!